Compassionate Communities Evaluation Guide

The Evaluation Guide supports Compassionate Communities in measuring the impact of their initiatives, sharing learning outcomes and results, and facilitating discussions that translate knowledge into action.

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The Evaluation Guide was developed by the Pan-Canadian Compassionate Community Evaluation Project, a collaborative effort between BC Centre for Palliative Care, Hospice Palliative Care Ontario, and Pallium Canada.
About the Guide

The Compassionate Communities Evaluation Guide empowers Compassionate Communities in their mission to improve experiences related to serious illness, caregiving, dying, and grieving.

The Guide helps users evaluate an individual activity, a project or a program with their Compassionate Community initiative. Specifically, this guide will support users as they design their evaluation plan and data collection, providing a solid foundation for impactful, compassionate initiatives across Canada.

Who is this Guide for?

This guide is for anyone starting or leading a Compassionate Community initiative and wants to know how evaluation can help them clarify their goals, measure their progress, and communicate their results.

The Evaluation Guide will help users:
  • Understand some evaluation basics.
  • Describe their compassionate community initiative and what they hope to achieve.
  • Identify the type of evaluation that best fits their needs.
  • Choose key questions they would like to address in their evaluation.
  • Access to helpful resources and tools.
  • Create an evaluation plan for their initiative.

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