Initiating palliative care earlier in the illness trajectory leads to a better quality of life, less depression and anxiety, and better symptom control.
Palliative Care Myths - Episode 1
Explore myths and misconceptions associated with palliative care.
The Words We Use
There are consequences to the words we use. Even health care professionals can have a difficult time talking about end-of-life and death. Learn about the importance of language and how it can impact our thoughts, emotions, and actions.
Palliative Care Myths - Episode 2
Explore 5 more myths and misconceptions associated with palliative and end-of-life care.
Advance Care Planning
In the event you are unable to speak for yourself, ensure that the people around you know your values and wishes for your future health care.
Impact of LEAP™
Dr. Pereira, Scientific Officer at Pallium Canada, explores the growing body of evidence showcasing the impact of Pallium’s Learning Essential Approaches to Palliative Care (LEAP) courseware.